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Spiders and Webs

Using Observations and Symbolism to Create a Common Thread

Knowing spiders and spider webs might elicit negative reactions for some ... like my teenage girls screaming "Mooommmmm! There's a spider! Come kill it! Quick!!!" … I decided to do some research to validate connecting them to my business. Plus, I love research and learning something new … another reason for starting my own business so I can do the portions of my prior job I enjoyed but lost touch with.

Spider dotting center of a web

My “field observations” gave me some “easy” analogies. Foxy and I saw many different spiders and webs during our walks. Well, to be fair, I saw them while Foxy waited somewhat patiently for me to inspect and photograph them. The differences in spiders and webs serve as good parallels to humanity and agriculture.

The obvious is how different we are as humans. But whether we all realize it, we rely on farming to sustain us. Farmers produce the food that nourishes our bodies. People looking for “100% cotton” need farmers to grow that cotton. Corn produces the ethanol that can help fuel our vehicles, and researchers continue investigating other farm byproducts as fuel sources.

Then there are the differences within agriculture that my brother was trying to bridge with a fellow farmer. I’ve held some of these biases myself. But as more and more people express their opinions of what way should be the right way, it just becomes more obvious to me that no one way is the right way to feed a growing population. Because we are so different. What is right for you, might not be right for me or the person in another country.

Sometimes the question isn’t if it’s right, but if it’s possible.

I can grow a garden in my backyard to offset some food purchases, but what I can grow in a yard is vastly different than what someone in an apartment or condo can grow. Eating local is great until you live in Minnesota and want oranges. Common Thread … we have to find it to survive.

OK, so these are more observational analogies to validate connecting spiders and webs to my company. But what is some of the symbolism associated with spiders across the many cultures around the world?

I uncovered this site that dives into broader spider symbolism, specific color meanings, and mythology and meanings represented in cultures around the world. And while I like to identify the dolphin as my spirit animal, the symbolism associated with spiders might make them my power animal.

Artistry, manifestation, patience, female empowerment, balance and interconnection ...

These qualities all resonate with me and are what I hope to convey through Common Thread Communication Solutions. Reach out if you'd like to talk about how I can support your communication efforts.


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